25 February 2008
Back to school, the weekends felt so long... First period tio chinese liao, kau she pms right from the start, keep scolding us for undone assignments, lucky i got do (= those never finish must stay back and do.. got back chinese CT paper.. zzzz i failed by 3 marks.. sigh Got humanities ltr, she nvr mark finish yet.... end off wif chem, he go and tok about practical... and nvr let me and chang go for duty.. zzzz
Afterwards got english, dunno what happened today, Ms Chia got pissed at our class and shouted for the first time.. zzz after that got a.maths, tok about integration... then got house cheering lol, john chan got so pissed off by sam and josh then he went to toilet dunno do what...
After sch, very sian go and play bball wif mark they all.. Pretty anoymous for the first 20 minutes, then got in like 5-6 rebounds later (= , yu heng was like some solo kia whole day dun wanna pass one, sheng was acting like a monkey, caleb 2 shot wonder lol and tang so sad 0 baskets...
Got back home at around 4+ and started toking to jon on msn till now... now gonna do physics and a.maths hw...
"Tried to take a picture of love,
Didn't think I miss her that much.."
"Maybe I'm trying, trying too hard..."
Into the Night. 8:34 PM
24 February 2008
Friday is just one of the slackiest day ever. Went to school at around 7am to meet up with Mitchell and Yi Qing to go RGS for their investiture. We can skip class from 7:30 to like 12:20 (= saw sam on the way to the bus stop and suaned him about him wearing his scout u to school. Lol. Reached RGS super early and waited for sean sim at the bus stop... First time going invest for me, so I dun know what is an invest all about. turned out to be interesting with them recognising their student leaders by some badge ceremony.. they put up a concert which was pretty good as well.. Pity the rest who are having classes.. =)
The whole concert ended around 9:30 am when it was supposed to end at 11??? The school tour starts at 11 and we were like stoning at the canteen for 1 and a half hr. We had the tour later where Cat High and commonwealth put into same group with us.. RGS library so gd.. can borrow laptop and movies to watch, the tour ended at around 11+ and we didn't want to go back to school so early.. so we went to socialise with the RGS girls for about half an hr.. (=
Reached school when Mr Lam finished his lesson.. heng i haven't finished the assignment.. got good news later that i got 12/15 for my chem mcq!! woah didn't expect that since i failed the chem for the whole of last yr... English was slack as Ms Chia didn't come, some relief teacher come and make us do some crossword puzzle.. after that got house-cheering. pretty boring..
Went for training later, sec1s formally been introduced into the patrols.. my sec1s look quite promising.. Swordfish got hope liao! Level training resumed later where we taught them about navigation.. Went to mass later, and training ended at around 6:30
Played bball with NCC land later, wa got thrashed so badly... shall not mention the score.. Took bus home with Mark, Ma Li and Lu han.. lol Lu han go wear my blazer and tie and go pose on the bus. Went to sleep when i got home as my hama couldn;t work so cannot play with mark and gug..
Into the Night. 3:26 PM
21 February 2008
CT is finally over!!!! I think I can pass my chem for the first time (= , woohoo feel so proud of myself, e.maths i dun wanna talk about it, very sensitive issue... Tmr will be kinda slacky for me.. i going RGS invest from like 7:30 am to 12+ so can skip like almost all the killer periods like chinese and chem, come back in time for eng+pse only, pity the rest who have to wear scout u for the whole day, well world scouts day can't help it...
After sch, went out to help out with the campfire banner, then go and play soccer with jon, nick, shaun, seb, shannon, li ren and jia lei.. my keeping skills not bad even though never play for quite long... made a lot of fingertip and point-blank saves (=
Reach home at like 5+ and rmbed that i pang sei wu qi for bball, my bad :(
Gonna watch tv now... btw this song quite nice
Relient K
Who I am hates who I've been
Into the Night. 9:50 PM
20 February 2008
Been a while since i blogged since i been mugging for CT.... sorry for daoing ppl on msn...
well common test is so-so for me, wun score so badly or too good.
First paper, chinese.. woah open-ended compre so hard.. i dun even understand the qs.. first time sia.
Next day, had SS/elec hist.. i go study deterrance -.-" but diplomacy came out.. can only memorise a bit.. both essays nvr write RI coz not enough time... zzz
A.maths was kinda ok (= Today has physics, not bad but minus quite a few marks alr... tmr die alr.. chem!!!! hopefully i can pass for the first time since sec 3.. lol
Gonna go mug now...
Into the Night. 4:38 PM
15 February 2008
heHave you ever felt so down in your life before?
Have you ever felt so lonely before?
Did you ever feel that nothing in your life is going as planned?
Did you ever feel that your life is just so ....empty?
Today is Friday! 2 more days to CT! Well, truely screwed for CT alr, hopefully i will put the weekends to good use... Reached school at 7:15 am today and saw Delvin who told me that i had prefect duty? I was a bit blur to know how come suddenly i have duty, it turned out to be some duty that we have to give sweet potatoes to the school to commemorate Total Defence Day... Pretty lame but the sweet potato quite nice even though it looked disgusting (= Chem prac was a joke coz Chen minus marks from us coz we didn't ask for safety goggles??? lol, we didn't even know they exisited in the lab... had pe later, Aru come and scold us and make us do our pe journal -.-" played badminton ltr, got owned )= nvm i will prac more... rest of the school day passed by pretty quickly..
After school, saw mark playing bball with his frens and thought that i should save his team from been owned too much, so i went and play, not bad i scored two after coming on for 5 min (= pang seh jia lei at long john coz i forgot that i had tution at 4:30 when the time was like 4???? Tution quite boring, only highlight was that he give me a $8 ang pao after the tution.. not bad la... went to play ai dota wif mark coz we no bnet.. we owned them wah can't believe i played wif him.. must have been too bored... Went to msn for a while and look for good songs... till now.
Into the Night. 11:59 PM
14 February 2008
Happy valentine's day ppl! Finally got back my chinese bi-weekly test paper!! got 40/70.. not bad.. considering quite a lot of ppl fail this test... Had history later, lol no one really listening to her in class she just keeps droning on wif the lesson. Had pe later, played badminton and i played not bad (= Lucas wallet got stolen by some guy... could understand how he felt coz my phone also got stolen but mine was stolen 1 day before my bday!!! )= Rest of the day went on pretty dull... Had lunch at macs wif nick went home to slack somemore without doing anything much... Valentine Day was kinda boring for me since I got nothing to do as well haha..
Ending my post now... gd luck ppl for CT.. 3 more days!!! )=
Into the Night. 8:25 PM
13 February 2008
Haven't really been mugging these few days and had been slacking )= Well.. 5 more days to the common test and it looks like I am screwed for the common test!!! Shall try to mug later, hopefully can get some work done... Today was ok school today with us getting extended recess coz the teachers wanna slack at the staffroom, yay (= Got back my chinese kao cha(mini test) and e maths test results today, chinese got full marks!! while i failed the emaths test.. after school, eat lunch then go back home. Anyway, changed my blogkin yesterday in case u guys didn't realise it.. yeah.. posting some other day then...
Into the Night. 4:41 PM
10 February 2008
Hi, hope you guys had a happy chinese new year!! mine was pretty boring except for the pink mp3 i got haha. Stayed at home today since I have nothing to do and no one wanna go out today also, sigh )= Pretty much slacked the whole of today until I realised that common test is like one wk's time and I haven't even mugged yet.. saw the common test topics to know that I am screwed for the common test.. Planning a one wk common test survival strategy plan ltr today to hopefully get decent grades for the common test.. Well, going off now.. posting another time when I am free...
My Pink Mp3!!!!

Into the Night. 7:19 PM
07 February 2008
Happy New Year, everyone (= , hope you guys had a lot of ang pao money haha. Hmm, I went to my grandma house to celebrate the new year. It was pretty boring until my da gu came and gave me a present of a mp3!!! woohoo, so random of her to give me but she said she didn't want it coz she already has one. Too bad it's pink though. -.-" nvm i dun care as long as i have one (= after that, went to my er gu house for lunch, pretty boring as well i just stoned at the tv for like 2 hrs -.-". Went home later coz my dad say he wanna go and sleep, i took the chance to put all the songs inside the mp3, went to my other aunt house to have dinner later. My primary 3 cousin was so bored that he bugged me to watch bananas in pyjamas with him. -.-" but since i was such a good cousin, i go and watch with him. see, i so nice lor. Today quite nice coz i get to collect angpaos and last but not least! my mp3!!! (pink)
Into the Night. 10:33 PM
06 February 2008
Today was New Year Dinner Celebration!!! School was so slack... reflection was boring, then we had the concert at the hall. woah the NCC Land performance was so retarded, dance steps with rifles??? lol. After that, got some dance troupe perform for us, woah the guy with the metal whip swing teh thing like a yo-yo, so pro. then they ask for volunteer to perform on stage, woah the sec 2 super extra, piss me off, come and act cute in front of the whole school.. so malu, spoil our school reputation. After school, went to play LAN for a while coz nothing to do.. Had lunch at macs ltr, lol me and mark spam curry sauce (6 of them). The person thought i was mad lol. Went home to slack later, then went to my grandma hosue for reunion dinner. woah i reached there the earliest at 5:40pm coz my mum ask me to be there. I was so bored until i fell asleep till 7 and not all of them were there yet!!! wth!! Dinner was pretty much boring, all of us just watch some chinese mahjong show on channel 8. Tomorrow is angpao time, yay... can't wait for tmr (=
Into the Night. 11:04 PM
05 February 2008
Hello again.. Another typical school day today.. got all 7 subjects. sian, i actually fell asleep while watching the pearl harbour documentary.. after sch, went to barber to cut hair.. wah lau have to wait 1 hr.. now hair looks like crap )= wu qi ltr call me ask me whether wanna play bball, since i got nothing to do, i go play lor. Mark, Wu Qi , Ge Wei and me went to play at 5:45, we got owned like noobs again sigh.. must practice more (= i pang seh them for dinner coz i have dinner at home.. yay new year coming.. ang pao time (= tmr sch so slack, half day only, maybe after sch play bball again or play badminton with wu qi (=
Into the Night. 9:01 PM
04 February 2008
Just another boring school day today... well i actually forgot to bring my prefect tie to school today.. geez today monday somemore everyone wear tie, make it so obvious that i didn't bring.. but luckily no one saw me without tie haha. Had chinese bi-weekly and history test, write until my hand pain.. hopefully can score well (= After that english where Ms Chia caught me without my tie.. geez lucky she never scold me... After that, got some talk by some social worker, then sch end. Passed Ge Wei his bday present and played bball for a while. Ate lunch at Lot 1, then jia lei and mark decided to go my house to "mug" but we ended up playing dota instead lol! Geez, better try to start work now or i wun even start. (=
P.S Happy Birthday, Ge Wei!!!
Into the Night. 6:55 PM
03 February 2008
Welcome people.. First blog i ever created haha... decided to create one since i am so bored. Hmmm,slept from 8pm to 12pm yesterday.. wah can't believe i slept so long. Caught the ManUtd match against Spurs.. phew lucky it was a draw i thought that we were gonna lose. Woke up at 9am later, slacked a while till 12pm, then started mugging maths coz common test coming.. ): , ltr play dota wif shannon for a while.. geez we got thrashed like noobs, since we got thrashed so badly, i decided to go back to mugging. (: Another boring sch day tmr sigh, got chinese bi-weekly somemore.. shall go and mug now.. posting some other day when i am free..
P.S I mug only because of common test, not because I like to.
Into the Night. 6:21 PM