Back from PLTC/UTC, five day camp.
Working in the camp as camp staff and not one who gets screwed in the camp! (=
So fun seeing the juniors making mistakes simliar to us in the past.
They disappointed though, only got camping standard on last day.
Anyway, got hell lot of mosquito bites in the camp and I got injured again!!!
UTC Sec 2- Stung by bee.
PLTC Sec 3- Pole fell on my head. Ouch.
PLTC Sec 4- Finger cut by bamboo. I was bleeding all over the canteen.
Sigh, I am just so injury prone.
And, lunch in the camp was spectacularly good. A lump of spaghetti-poriddge!
Too bad, I didn't take a picture of it. Must really thank the cook for it!
Stepping down soon already but still can't imagine the sec3s stepping up yet, oh well.

Picture of me "observing" PLTC candidates. (=
On the other note, can't believe that S'pore got whipped by Uzbekistan 7-3. Lol.
Anyway, back to studies, I guess after the camp. I shall just take 2 days off and start mugging.
Sad life. )=